Edward Preston Shoulder Plane

A rare Edward Preston shoulder plane.
Plane Use

This Preston shoulder plane is primarily used for fine and accurate work on shoulders.
Manufactured Dates

? - ?
Plane Also Known As

Edward Preston Rebate Plane
What To Watch Out For

Chips and nibbles around the mouth, welding, replacement plane blades or little original blade remaining.
Further Info

Further information on this tool can be found in trade catalogues and retailer brochures of the period. These tool books usually contained a drawing and a sentence or two for each tool.
Where Can I Buy This Tool Secondhand?

This model of tool can be purchased from the following woodworking tool retailers, subject to availability.
* The price shown is a typical price. The price may vary between retailers. The price may vary between planes. Some planes may command higher prices due to condition, type, age, variations.
Where Can I Buy Alternative Modern Planes?

Clifton Planes

This model of tool can be purchased from the following woodworking tool retailers, subject to availability.
* The price shown is a typical price. The price may vary between retailers.
Plane Details

Manufacturer: Preston
Model No:
Plane Type: Shoulder
Date Produced: ? - ?
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