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Preston Pocket Rule No. 3232

preston pocket rule

This Edward Preston pocket rule is a small wooden rule with brass hinges. The rule is made from boxwood, a very durable and quite expensive hardwood. This is only a one foot (12 inch) rule when fully extended, however it is a handy pocket rule due to fact when it is folded away it is only approximately 3 inches in length.

Manufactured Dates

? - ?

What To Watch Out For

These rules are prone to the wood warping and the hinges becoming loose. Any rules which no longer have clear visible numbers and maker markings tend to loose favour amongst collectors.

Where Can I Buy This Tool Secondhand?

preston pocket rule

This model of tool can be purchased from the following woodworking tool retailers, subject to availability.

Price: £15 - £25

Shops which sell similar levels

* The price shown is a typical price. The price may vary between retailers. The price may vary between planes. Some planes may command higher prices due to condition, type, age, variations.

Rule Details

Manufacturer: Preston

Model No: 3232

Level Type: Pocket

Date Produced: ? - ?

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£15 - £25

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