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Preston Router, 1399

preston router

The Edward Preston router number 1399.

Manufactured Dates

1900's - ?

Further Info

Further information on this tool can be found in trade catalogues and retailer brochures of the period. These tool books usually contained a drawing and a sentence or two for each tool.

Where Can I Buy This Tool Secondhand?

preston router

This model of tool can be purchased from the following woodworking tool retailers, subject to availability.

Price: £40 - £140

Shops which sell similar routers

* The price shown is a typical price. The price may vary between retailers. The price may vary between planes. Some planes may command higher prices due to condition, type, age, variations.

Where Can I Buy Alternative Modern Planes?

Veritas Planes

veritas plane

This model of tool can be purchased from the following woodworking tool retailers, subject to availability.

Price: £150 - £185

Shops which sell these planes

* The price shown is a typical price. The price may vary between retailers.

Router Details

Manufacturer: Preston

Model No: 1399

Type: Router

Date Produced: 1900's - ?

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£40 - £140

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