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Edward Preston Infill Smoothing Plane - Inscribed

preston infill plane
preston infill plane

This Edward Preston infill smoothing plane model has parallel sides, a brass lever cap with a knurled adjuster and a Rosewood rear handle / front bun.

The left hand side is inscribed 'EDWD PRESTON & SONS, B'HAM ENG, TRADE MARK' with the EP two cherries logo.

As far as I am aware Edward Preston were the only makers to have inscribed the side of their infill plane and this was the only model they inscribed (please someone correct me if this is incorrect). This parallel sided model can also be found without an inscription on the side.

Manufactured Dates

? - ?

Further Info

Further information on this tool can be found in trade catalogues and retailer brochures of the period. These tool books usually contained a drawing and a sentence or two for each tool.

Where Can I Buy This Tool Secondhand?

preston infill plane

This model of tool can be purchased from the following woodworking tool retailers, subject to availability.

Price: £180 - £300

Shops which sell similar planes

* The price shown is a typical price. The price may vary between retailers. The price may vary between planes. Some planes may command higher prices due to condition, type, age, variations.

Plane Details

Manufacturer: Preston

Model No:

Plane Type: Smoothing

Date Produced: ? - ?

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£180 - £300

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